Restore,conserve ,revive

A few weeks ago, we embarked on a vigorous exercise of restoring 2kms of upstream Isiolo River.A team of 6 armed with apparatus and deep silting passion for nature. Each spring ,every molecule of water discharge signified hope to wildlife and communities downstream.7 days of hardwork,sweat and a worth toil. We set up biodiversity barriers […]
Osinoni Wetland honey-“Bringing back the bees”

Osinoni has been on a purposeful journey to advance practical holistic biodiversity restoration,conservation.Under our theme “bring back the wild”,the focus has been to craft a way to advocate for enhanced bee conservation.The bee populations globally,are at a sharp decline;threatening the ecosystems and nature’s well-being .This is being caused by the increase of pesticide farming,massive erosion […]
New additions of valuable tree species at the Oreteti Indigenous Tree Center

The surging population ,uncontrolled development,unplanned settlements,poor farming practices,Charcoal burnin g,illegal logging /lumbering etc.All these factors lead to environmental degradation.In fact,with this comes th e erosion of native vegetation that is by a big margin ,contributing to extinction.Some native trees in Kenya to be specific are important to the local communities be it for medicinal,food,shelter ,wildlife/l […]
Osinoni’s inaugural pledge-drive

On 20th April 2024,Osinoni held its first ever Fundraising event at the Royal Acacia Hotel Isiolo.In a bid to upscale its operations and capacity,the organization deemed it fit to mobilize resources through friends and partners.It was a great day with deep insights,deliberations about wetlands and general biodiversity restoration.A record sale of Osinoni- customized merchandise that […]
Osinoni Fundraising for Conservation

Osinoni is holding its first pledge drive on 20th April 2024!.Since establishment,we have managed to do alot when it comes to protection/restoration of wetlands and biodiversity restoration especially in riparian ecosystems. From humble beginnings that saw us step into the world of the unkown,engage in difficult conversations and craft unique conservation strategies that have enabled […]
Osinoni joins KWS Isiolo Station for the World Wildlife Day Celebrations 2024

Every year, Kenya joins the rest of the World in commemorating, celebrating World Wildlife Day. This is usually an opportunity to celebrate Kenya’s many beautiful and varied forms of wild fauna and flora and to raise awareness of the multitude of benefits that their conservation provides to people. On 29th February KWS Isiolo Station led […]
Rppl And Wfd(World Peace Service) Pay Courtesy Call To Osinoni

Regional Pastoralists Peace Link is one of the trailblazing organizations in Northern Kenya ,that has managed to bring communities together cohesively ;matters peace/conflict resolution while addressing climate change ,natural resources .Word Peace Service on the other hand, is based in Germany but working with communities globally on peace ,conflict resolution ,enhancing capacities and environments for […]
Bird Watching

Kenya is a prime destination for a birdwatching holiday at any time of year. Tremendous geographical range gives Kenya a variety of climates and landscapes, hence the second highest number of species in Africa. Kenya holds the world-record ‘bird watch’ – with 342 species seen in 24 hours! Between October and February many palearctic migrants […]

We organize world-class safari experiences to the various National parks,reserves ,conservancies .From the iconic Maasai Mara ,Tsavo,Amboseli ,Samburu National Reserve,Meru National Park,Olpejeta ,Lewa etc.In collaboration with the Kenya Wildlife Service,we intend to develop the best packages that offer an opportunity for visiting teams to have a deeper understanding of the flora and fauna.This unique approach […]
Cultural Expeditions

Culture and heritage is a gem in the form of invaluable wealth possessed by the communities we work with.Ranging from the Maasai,Samburu,Turkana,Ameru ,Boran etc.This treasure has been preserved for years and forms the most concrete connection with the natural world for various reasons.Most of these communities like the Maasai have culture and nature so interconnected.Sample […]